Monday, June 29, 2020

My Journey, Day 1

This quarantine is killing me.  And I want my life back.  I am taking my life back.

In Spring, 2019, I met a wonderful man who spoils me to bits.  That is where the weight gain started.  Going out to amazing dinners.  Being treated to delectable breakfasts.  And he was in love with all of me, physically, mentally, emotionally, whether I gained 30 pounds or not.  I had NEVER had this before and I loved every second of it.  I still do.

Fast forward a year.  We're still going strong, but between that weight gain and COVID-19, I am unhappy with the direction my body is taking.  My clothes aren't fitting right.  I don't feel good.  I don't feel confident and fabulous like I did when I met him.  I mean, I KNOW I'm still fabulous, but I don't FEEL fabulous, and I want to feel amazing like I did before.

I know what I need to do, but I'm having a hard time doing it.  It doesn't help at all that my routine has been totally disrupted and I have nothing to do.  There's no accountability and no social dynamic to check in with anyone.  I can have the best laid plans, buy the healthiest food, and if I don't do it, nothing happens at all.  I don't even have to tell anyone about it.  There are no consequences.

On a whim, I bought into the latest craze... the KetoFast supplements.  I have no idea how they will work, because I haven't taken them yet.  Well, I just took the first one about half an hour ago.  But the purchasing was a disaster.  They ran unauthorized charges on my account for orders I didn't make. 
After a 90 minute hold for Customer Service, I reached someone who refunded those charges and I thought I was good.  Then my purchase didn't arrive.  I called again and was told there was nothing they could do because my order was cancelled.  I was upset and felt I had been scammed, but then the order did actually arrive, so I took some deep breaths and I'm trying to get back to the place I was when I started, when I felt optimistic about what it might do to help me get started on my weight loss journey.

Another thing I've been wanting for about a year has been a juicer.  I had one years ago, but I expressed my interest again last weekend, and my boyfriend, also a major foodie, recommended I watch "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead," which I found on YouTube.  I watched the entire thing and the next morning, I ordered a juicer.

Will I be entirely Keto, keeping carbs under 20 g per day?  Probably not.  Will I be on a juice fast for 60 days?  Probably not.  But if I can blend the two together, that can only be healthy, right?  It's got to be better than ice cream for breakfast.  #keepingitreal

So, today is Day 1.  I weighed in this morning at 278.3 lbs, and the scale says my BMI is 43.6.  I didn't put this weight on in a day, so I don't expect it to come off in a day, but here in my little corner of virtual land, I will laugh and cry and pour out my frustrations and celebrate my successes.  But I will be honest.  Welcome to my journey.

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Day 9

This morning, the scale read 272.4  Woohoo!  I continue to be motivated as the scale continues on the downward trend.  I can't help but ...