Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Day 9

This morning, the scale read 272.4  Woohoo!  I continue to be motivated as the scale continues on the downward trend.  I can't help but my brain is visualizing the scale going down in tens... 260, 250... ah, my clothes will look fantastic on me.  240, I haven't been there in awhile and it's all attainable.  Then 200... I would have to go shopping!  Oh, darn.  Part of me says, "Don't get ahead of yourself."  But the other part of me says, "Dream away, because when you visualize it, you make it your reality."  The more I focus on these decreased numbers, the more intent I will be to make them my reality, so I'm going for it.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Day 8

Today begins Week 2.  I weighed in at 174 today, so a net loss of... 4.3 lbs.  Yay!

It was a rough week.  Day 1, I was pretty much just miserable all day, running a constant, "Do not eat," over and over in my head.  It is SO hard to beat the cravings.  But I made it through the day.  It helped to talk to people on the phone, just talking instead of doing nothing, to pass the time.  Even watching a movie leaves the door open for snacking.  But I did it.  I didn't eat anything that wasn't on my plan.

Then one day after tutoring, the very sweet mommies brought me my favorite Starbucks treat.  It sat on the counter for 30 minutes before I finally caved and drank it.  It wasn't helping that the scale was refusing to budge.  It was a small version of the treat, thank goodness, and I enjoyed every last drop of it, along with indulging in the last three episodes of one of my favorite shows.  Then since I'd already blown it, I ate some mint chip ice cream too.  That is my downfall.  The perfect food, mint chip ice cream.  But now it's gone and I do not intend to buy any more to keep in my freezer!

The other days went better.  I was helping my mother clean out some cabinets at her house one day during the week, and I had had a light breakfast, thinking I'd be home around 1:00 PM.  By 3:30 PM, my tank was empty.  I just collapsed.  I could barely lift my arm.  Thankfully, she had some lunch meat, so I spread some cream cheese on it and rolled it up... a nifty and tasty treat.  Along with a spoonful of peanut butter and I was good to go for another 90 minutes.

Enter the 4th of July.  No crazy BBQ or fancy desserts.  I wandered around Sam's Club looking for easy, prepared dishes that would be easy and quick for me during the week.  And that wouldn't heat up the house.  Bought a beautiful piece of salmon.  For dinner, I was spoiled with a ton of fresh King Crab legs and butter... so, so good.  And some halibut.  I saved the salmon for another day.  There was so much crab, I had to put some of it in the fridge!  That has never happened before.

In the end, it was all worth it, to see the results after a week.  I thought I'd lose about 2 lbs, maybe 2.5.  So to lose 4 in a week... I'm thrilled.  Now, will I maintain, or keep on the trajectory?  We'll find out, because I'm motivated to keep this up!

Day 9

This morning, the scale read 272.4  Woohoo!  I continue to be motivated as the scale continues on the downward trend.  I can't help but ...